delivered terms

英 [dɪˈlɪvəd tɜːmz] 美 [dɪˈlɪvərd tɜːrmz]




  1. We love technology, but we want it delivered on our terms.
  2. This agreement, when executed and delivered, will constitute a valid and legally binding obligation of each CRC party, enforceable in accordance with its terms;
  3. The date on which the commodity or instrument of delivery must be delivered to fulfill the terms of a contract.
  4. Messages were delivered in no uncertain terms from key politicians involved in the cable TV battle, that if the conspiracy of silence were shown on the discovery channel as planned, then the industry would probably lose the debate.
  5. The Buyer refuses to accept products delivered under the terms hereunder.
  6. Over the intervening two decades, gold delivered a capital loss of more than 80 per cent in real terms, a performance far worse than any comparable period of equity market returns.
  7. Mr Cleary points out that in the year to the end of July, Chinese bonds had delivered a negative return of 0.33 per cent, while Chinese equities posted a 46.8 per cent positive return in US dollar terms.
  8. MS kurdyavko points out that emerging market corporate debt has delivered better returns both in absolute terms and in risk adjusted terms than emerging market equities over the last two or five years.
  9. After a great deal of researching experiments, this device can meets requires of the taskbar and has been delivered successively in terms of many lots to our troops.